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I heard that desperate times call for desperate measures...

by Paul May 10, 2005 09:53
but that doesn't mean you have to cast common sense to the wind. I don't give a crap how sick and twisted that Charles Graner dude from the prison scandal is. I don't care how long he was in the hot Iraqi desert. The fact is that broad Lynndie R. England, is as ugly as steaming desert ass.

I don't want to insult any of our hard working military, but guys; seriously, you can do better than that. She looks like she had a regular head at one time, and then a bomb went off inside her face. Maybe a suicide bomb, I don't know. Maybe they were stuck in the desert on patrol, and she was going to eat a big ass beetle, and he saw that mug open wide to put him in her mouth, and he was like "Fuck that! I'm going to fuck this bitch up!"

Really I think the ugliness is why the inmates are mad. If she was hot, they wouldn't give a crap. I mean, Christ, there are weirdo's who actually go out of their way to find women to tie them up and shit. Leather and whips and what not. Still, I don't think any of the dominatrix broads are that broken. That's a special kind of ugly.

Today's flavor is: The sour taste her picture leaves in your mouth.
Oh yeah, and her name is spelled stupid too. Lyn-n-n-n-die? It sounds like her mom was stuttering while the nurse wrote the name down. Maybe she stuttered because she was stunned by how brutally ugly her kid was.

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Blogs | P Funk's Journal of Warm Fuzzy Feelings

If I've failed at anything in life...

by Paul May 9, 2005 09:52

it has been in relating to people how much I mean business. I am all about the business. To quote Meatwad, the business of giving you the business.

In fact, in an effort to clarify, I've been thinking of changing my name to Mr. Business. Perhaps even Mr. Bidness, to appeal to the youth; I mean youf.

Anyway you're making me lose my train of thought. Desipite my strict adherence to the business of meaning business, I'm usually a pretty calm and collected guy. I'd go so far as to say I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy.

Just the other day in my house, a mosquito hawk flew in. I didn't even kill him. If you've never seen a mosquito hawk, these things are giant ugly fuckers that look like spiders with wings. They eat mosquitos however, so I don't really mind having them around; as long as they chill out and don't fuck with me.

This mosquito hawk chilled in my house completely over night, in peace. I woke up the next morning and started my ritual of going to work: I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep. When I did finally fly out of bed because I was late as usual, I noticed this mosquito hawk (we'll call him Steve) in the bathroom on the wall. I was like, "What it be like Steve?" For those of you who don't come from the projects like me, that means "Hello." Anyway, I brush my teef and get in the shower, and it's all good until Steve goes fucking certifiably ballistic. For some unexplained reason he flies over the shower door, and wigs out (no shit) when he catches himself in the stream of water from the shower head. What the fuck Steve!?

I hated to do it, but I had to put Steve down. He was all flying into my head, generally discombobulated, and I was in a vulnerable (ass naked) state; so I may have overreacted a bit. I crushed Steve in one incredible show of force. I didn't mean to, but I mean realistically, I'm like 1000 times his size. How many times should I have to hit him?

Well, there was this one time with this prehistoric sized dragon fly, but remind me to discuss that another time.

I felt bad having to break Steve up into parts small enough to fit down the drain, (If you're a girl and you're reading this, feel free to vomit following that description. Unless you're bulimic, in which case please don't vomit. Just shoot yourself and get it over with. You ARE in fact, fat.) but I didn't really have a choice. I had a goddamn shower to finish.

The moral of the story is I didn't want to kill Steve, but he got out of line. I had to demonstrate how much I mean business. In related instances around the house, I'll dispose of insects not in single blows; like this fat ass fly the other day who wouldn't leave me alone. I hit him like 4 solid times with an open hand, in mid-air, to let him know who was running shit in my living room, before I finally hit him so hard he got knocked out and just fell to the floor.

Do you know what I did then? Not a damn thing. I left him there, just in case any other flies were watching and thinking "Damn that guy on a couch is a fucking pussy." No, Mr. Bidness doesn't operate under the umbrella of being a certified pussy. Mr. Bidness wrecks all the shop, and leaves the shop wrecked for other insects to appreciate it. In fact I try to leave a couple of dead insects in every room; maybe just a few legs left over. You know, just to reenforce my principles. Think of it as having the classroom rules posted.

It's a simple system. You get your name put on the board. Strike two? You get a check next to your name. But after that buddy, your ass is sitting on the bench during recess.

Today's mood is: Strictly Business
This blog entry got kind of long. I'm sorry, but that's the price of business.

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Blogs | P Funk's Journal of Warm Fuzzy Feelings

Buenos dias, senioritas...

by Paul May 3, 2005 09:50
I think that motion lights are one of those awesome inventions that everyone takes for granted. However I've found they only function correctly when you're not thinking about it.

Have you ever been outside doing some stuff and things, and the frickin' motion light keeps shutting off? Nothing is funnier (in retrospect, not at the time) than watching full grown adults run around a driveway waving their arms frantically, trying to get a light to come on.

Even better than that, is the fact that those lights never seem to come on the same way they did previously. What I mean is if you stand in one spot to turn it on, and return to that spot the next time. That son of a bitch ain't gonna turn on.

Outsmarted by an electrical circuit: now that's funny.

The extent of how ridiculous this situation is gets better too. If you ask anybody who's informed, they'll tell you how to avoid that. Take me for example:

You: Hey Paul how can I avoid that?
Pablo: Hey, it's pretty simple Jaded Ape fan. Most of those lights have a button on them, that keeps the light on until you press it again.
You: No kidding?
Pablo: No kidding. Think of it as an override switch.
You: Wow. Thanks Paul, can I get Bucket Head's autograph?
Pablo: Sure you can Billy.
You: My name's Waldo!
Pablo: Oh I'm sorry. Here's your autograph Billy.

Now consider the following; I'm sure we've all been privy to one of these motion lights. I don't know about you, but usually I put them high enough so that the light can cover a decent area. Otherwise it's kind of a waste of money right? Right.

Now you know how to hook up one of those lights and not look like a total fool trying to get it to stay on for just 3 more minutes so you can finish trying to find what crevice of your car seat you dropped half your midnight hamburger into.

What's that you say? You mounted the light high enough to work, and can no longer reach the button to make it stay on? Yeah that happened to me too.

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Blogs | P Funk's Journal of Warm Fuzzy Feelings

You know, I'm not perfect but...

by Paul Apr 25, 2005 09:47

it sure seems like it to the rest of the world because they're a lot less perfect. I like to call it "a lot less Paul." Even so, I have a job. Most of the time, believe it or not, I'm working. For a summary of my schedule (the 'C' is silent) you can check John's Blog to understand what the F I'm talkin' 'bout.

Some people possess the ability to be quite considerate and say things like "Hey Paul, your blog entries really make my day; thanks." They use a semicolon and everything, I shit you not.

Other people however "encourage" me by saying things like "Hey Paul, you're not funny enough!", or "You haven't been funny in [insert the number of days since my last post] days! What the crap?" Hey Paul can't you go outside with a bull's eye painted on your back until something humorous happens to you, that you can then share with me via your blog to allow me to laugh at your plight? Paul what the fuck are you doin going to work and having a social life when you could be out in the street making a total ass of yourself ala Tom Green?

Tom Green's funny right?

I never thought people would take veiled shots at the excitement content of my personal life, especially considering I'm telling you all my deepest secrets (in blog form of course). Instead I get (in a nutshell), "Can't you hurry up and have a more interesting life? I'm dying over here not getting a blog entry in [insert the number of days since my last post] days!"

I am currently listening to: Smokey Robinson - Tears of a Clown
Today's Mood is: PPMS (that's like before PMS, so you're not like a full blown bitch yet; just kind of ruffling some feathers.
No but seriously, Tom Green is funny right?

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As none of you may know...

by Paul Apr 11, 2005 09:47
I've been working a second job (at least that's what I tell myself) at a skating rink for like 104 years. After reviewing that sentence, I'm pretty sure it's accurate, except for maybe grammar.

Over that time period, I've heard people come in and say things like "DAMN! It smells like feet in here!", or "It smells like feet in here, DAMN!"

First, I kinda take offense to that, because it's my rink, and it means more than nothing to me. Then I think, you know what, I can't even smell feet anymore. That's awesome! Just imagine what it would be like if I couldn't smell shit. I'd be so much happier in life.

Then I thought, there's absolutely no downside to not being able to smell feet, and that I am officially super human, because of my inability to be affected by the stench of feet.


I burst my own bubble when I realized if for some reason the terrorists drop a chemical bomb that's extra deadly, and the warning is a foot odor, I'm a dead man. I'd be walking down the street laughing at all you suckers who can smell feet, until you all freak out and run for cover indoors. I'll be left smelling my armpits, wondering if it's me that caused the comotion. Smelling my armpits for all of 3 seconds before I keel over stone dead, because I couldn't smell the foot bomb dropped by Al Qaeda.

Today's smell is: Dr. Scholl's Bunion Fun
Damn you and your foot bomb Bin Laden!

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Blogs | P Funk's Journal of Warm Fuzzy Feelings